Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It has hit me!

I always wondered why people driving cars go zooming past when there is no need for any kind of hurry, I mean sharp turns, sudden brakes etc. One of my friends had once told me that when you start driving you are way too cautions. As time passes, you become more reckless and rash! I didn't believe it untill this very moment!
My worst driving ever!
My worst decisions ever!
Had my father been beside me, he would have kicked me so hard that I would've remembered it all my life!
But nothing to worry, nothing bad happened, just a few sharp turns and sudden brakes.
I wish I was a little more careful, 'coz introspection is something that annoys me, more so 'coz I always do it!

1 comment:

hseeniv said...

Welcome to the club of BORN race drivers!! ;)

Btw, u have been tagged.
