Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Typical day (read, every day) - Part 1

Yeah, pretty much every day starts the same, except for the one odd Saturday, when my mind and body is way too exhausted for any sort of work, be it research or just studying for the very dreaded Qualifier exams. It all begins with the hope of getting tons of work done, the moment the dawn breaks. The beautiful Charles river, with tiny ripples, the glistening sunlight, the cackle of ducks (apparently you can hear them from the 13th floor, damn you acoustics!)...
Once reality hits, I check my email, hoping I haven't got an email from the one person who is the most important in my life right now, the one person around whom my life revolves, and I would do everything he says and wants, yep, my advisor. If I don't get an email, its a relief for the next couple of hours or so before he calls, else the day just got worse.
Well, sometimes its good, but mostly bad. It just means being ready with figures, plots, and basically trying to come up with ways to tell him that it isn't my fault that MATLAB is such a b****. So then the regular things we all humans do, poop, brush, shower (or in any other order), get ready, gobble some toast/cereal, and on days I'm feeling good about myself (that happens rarely), make scrambled egg. My office is 13 minutes by walk (yeah, there's nothing very creative you can do when you're walking in -7 C, if its warmer I speak to my mom. Infact its become so regular that when I don't call her, she calls back in a few hours asking if I went to office or not! Yeah mom I did, I just got an email from my baapuji this morning, and was preparing myself for the encounter.). So I walk, and I reach office, and make coffee, and surf Facebook, and finally get to work....

... to be continued (ps: gotta rush, this break from work is turning out to be too time consuming) :)


Sandeep said...

Your a lousy blogger

DailyTenMinutes said...

in middle east Sundays are the toughest time of the week becuase the week :)