Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Well, this pleasant experience of mine started today morning, early morning to be precise. It was the second day of our exams getting over and we(me and a couple of my friends, my roommate and neighbour) had just returned from the movie ‘Flight Plan” at around 12.30 on Sunday, December 04, 2005. Rejuvenating ourselves, we thought of staying up all night coz my roommate had to leave at 5.20 am for her train to Delhi (departure:6.20 am) from Chennai Central. So, according to the ‘plan’, we started watching another movie on my comp, Momento. Lying down on the bed, we started. But there were a couple of little facts that we failed to consider.

1) My dear roommate, one of the early risers, had always seen the day from the other side (the one common to IITians only during desperate exam times)
2) My room neighbour had this extraordinary ability to start snoring the moment she hit the bed

So, basically, one hour into the movie, and I was the only one staring into the comp. Strangely, I had no idea why I was nowhere close to sleepy. But on the request of my roommate, I crashed off. The last thing I knew was that my roomie had put about 3 alarms to wake her up at 4.00 am. Period.

The next sound I heard was the banging at my door from my neighbour who woke both of us up at 4.56 am. Hang on a minute! 4.56 am?? Who am I…Where am I…(I am always disoriented after a nap!) Not a very good time to ask these questions….I shake my roomie up. We stare at each other in an emotion pretty indescribable. Again a couple of reasons,

1) We were woken up by a person whom we least expected to be woken up, coz as I had mentioned earlier, she rocked when it came to crashing.
2) My roomie, who could get up by the sound of the whiff of a blade 10 kms from her, didn’t get up even after setting 3 alarms…alarming..!!!

Anyways, we continued to stare till we realized that we had actually crashed as if we had passed out (ps: it was just a guess, I still haven’t taken a shot!) And then, all the normal things continued.

At 5.27 am, we bid her a goodbye and came back to our rooms. Now what? For the past few days, I’ve actually discovered a really nice friendship blossoming…and mind it..its true friendship and not ‘love’ or ‘crush’ or blah blah blah…as many people might have already started calling it. And I’ve been waking this friend of mind every morning (he is also a bit lousy in getting up!) Today, he has his busy routine of exercises starting at 6.00 am, and I knew he would really not expect me to get up and wake him up that early. So, I had this brainwave of not sleeping for some more time, and give him a pleasant surprise right in the morning…and pleasant it was, really pleasant!
So, its 6.14 now…and I am thinking…Should I go for a jog?


AG said...

'Memento'..:-).. Anyway, this comment was jus to link u to my blog..

AG said...

Deeeeeeeee Jayyyyyyyyyyyyy.. Link me to ur blog!!.. I've linked you to mine..

Anonymous said...

Ye ye ye.. I am the proud neighbour!! *gleams with pride*

Yep.. Wonderful that evening was.. will remember it for a long time for many other reasons!!

Keep up the blog my li'l one..


Dharik said...

Wondering what kind a guy is that "close friend" of yours who cant get up on his own?
anyways noone of my business.. all i hope is that your friendship continues to blossom...

Ankita DJ said...

thanks a ton guys..
@navs:for the inspiration
@aji:ya ya...ive linked u to mine..and dont spam me much..or else somebody's gonna get pained.. ;)
@aj:love u sis for all those words!!
@rik:definitely its "none" of ur business ;) but i still believe somewhere everything is linked..heh heh..!!