Monday, December 19, 2005


Sitting through the darkness, still,
Waiting for life to pass,
Watching the shadows move,
What is it that I want to ask?

Failures surrounding me all around,
Nearing deep into the past,
Often breaking the confidence,
Am I too slow to be fast?

When is it that light will tresspass,
The evergrowing path of mistakes?
When is it that I will be aware,
Of the time one success takes?

Sweating out all as work,
Bleeding more than I can,
I still dont see the faint glint,
What is this, man!

When will I glow with brightness?
When will things go right?
Well, all I know for now is,
That it wont happen without the inner light!


Kini said...

Ok hold it right there... Thats enough. I can take a dejected tone over a phone conversation but writing entire poems over this issue is just silly. If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times. Everybody in IIT KNOWS that you're the best in the business when it comes to acads.

Just so you know... oi other people, back me up here... Tell this woman she's a stud through and through...

*sits back and waits for a flood of praise*

nanosage said...

Calling it Dejected tone
I'd isn't too lame
However, as "wise MEN" say-
Things dont always remain the same

Change your persective
May be that's what you ought to
After all, U can never get hurt
Unless U really want to

Cheer up Dj, grades don't matter in the bigger picture ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well well.. Kini's right.. U know you put your everything into this n you very well know that sooner or later you will get what you deserve for ur efforts.. Then why be dejected..

It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit

Cheer up li'l one..

Ankita DJ said...

@kini: thanks ya for everything.
@aks: need nothing but just a bear hug from ya!
@jd: buddy, really happy to have pals like u.!
Thanks alot..!!

Anonymous said...

well i don't know what it is all about but simply are too good to write such dejected poems.
some things happen, and some things don't but in the end it's only you that matter.
so take it in your've got miles to go and who knows the glint might just be another foot further.
take care...and cheer up

nanosage said...

dunno how you see it... everybody cheering the li'l one... ahem, beginning to look funny? shud've cheered you u for sure ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love you

Ankita DJ said...

@navs:thanks dude..and i know i can write time it ll be a cheery one..thanks a ton.
@papa:i love u to dad!!

CB said...

Hey deed..I completely reiterate kini's words..I know, though grades can be a little disappointing, you know how good you are, the matter's solved..And a sincere word of advice from me(if you would take it) from my experience is that grades get easier if you stop worrying about ' me..this really works..anyways stop worrying..cheer up.....!